The check valve designed, manufactured, produced and tested according to the American standard is called the American standard check valve, so what is the standard size of the American standard che...
Butterfly valves are mainly used for the adjustment and switch control of various types of pipelines. They can cut off and throttle in pipelines. In addition, butterfly valves have the advantages o...
PCVExpo 2017
16th International Exhibition for Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Actuators and Engines
Date: 10/24/2017 – 10/26/2017
Venue: Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia
Butterfly valve is a kind of valve, is installed on a pipe, used to control the circulation of medium in a pipe. Butterfly valve is characterized by simple structure, light weight, including transm...
In the 30s, the butterfly valve was invented in United States, introduced to the Japan in the 50s, and was widely used in Japan in the 60s, and it was promoted in China after the 70s. At present, b...
Corrosion is one of the important elements that cause butterfly valve damage. In butterfly valve protection, butterfly valve corrosion protection is an important issue to consider. For metal butter...
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