Valve assembly is the final stage in the fabrication process. Valve assembly is based on the delineation of the technical premise, the parts of the valve together, make it a product process. Assemb...
1. In practical engineering applications, the damage of Dual plate wafer check valves is caused by many reasons.
(1) Under the impact force of the medium, the contact area between the connecting pa...
1. The stomata
This is a small cavity formed by the gas that the metal solidification process does not escape inside the metal. Its inner wall is smooth and contains gas, which has a high reflectiv...
Dual plate check valve, also known as double-door check valve, is a check valve widely used in various industries to prevent the backflow of liquid or gas. Their design allows for one-way flow and ...
TWS Valve will attend the 2018 PCVEXPO Exhibtion in Russia
The 17th International Exhibition PCVExpo / Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Actuators and Engines.
Time: 23 – 25 October 2018 • Mosc...
Resilient butterfly valve is a kind of valve, is installed on a pipe, used to control the circulation of medium in a pipe. Butterfly valve is characterized by simple structure, light weight, includ...