TWS Valve, a leading manufacturer in the valve industry, is pleased to announce its participation in the 18th edition of INDOWATER 2024 Expo, Indonesia’s premier water, wastewater and recycling tec...
The purpose of water treatment is to improve water quality and make it meet certain water quality standards.
According to different treatment methods, there are physical water treatment, chemical w...
1. Defect characteristics
Unfused refers to the phenomenon that the weld metal is not completely melted and bonded with the base metal or between the layers of the weld metal.
Failure to penetrate ...
In the daily use of butterfly valves, various failures are often encountered. The leakage of the valve body and bonnet of the butterfly valve is one of the many failures. What is the reason for thi...
Butterfly valve manufacturer said daily installation and use of electric butterfly valves, must first look at the media efficiency and media quality, as a basis for the correction of the relevant i...
Liquid hydrogen has certain advantages in storage and transportation. Compared to hydrogen, liquid hydrogen (LH2) has a higher density and requires lower pressure for storage. However, hydrogen has...
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