Pneumatic butterfly valve plays an important role in our life, is to use the circular butterfly plate rotating with the valve stem to do the opening and closing, in order to realize the pneumatic v...
Before the valve is installed, the valve strength test and valve sealing test should be performed on the valve hydraulic test bench. 20% of low-pressure valves should be inspected randomly...
Check valves, also known as check valves or check valves, are used to prevent the backflow of media in the pipeline. The foot valve of the suction off of the water pump also belongs to the category...
Butterfly valve refers to the closing part (valve disc or butterfly plate) as a disc, around the valve shaft rotation to reach the opening and closing of a valve, in the pipe mainly cut off and thr...
TWS Valve will attend the 2019 PCVEXPO Exhibtion in Russia
The 19th International Exhibition PCVExpo / Pumps, Compressors, Valves, Actuators and Engines
Date: 27 – 29 October 2020 • Moscow, ...
A.Gate valve installation
Gate valve, also known as gate valve, is a valve that uses a gate to control the opening and closing, and adjusts the pipeline flow and opens and closes the pipeline by ch...
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