Looking for a high-quality gate valve at a great price? Look no further than TWS Valve, a specialist valve manufacturer offering a variety of products to suit your needs. Whether you need a resilie...
Check valves, also known as check valves or check valves, are used to prevent the backflow of media in the pipeline. The foot valve of the suction off of the water pump also belongs to the category...
People usually think that the valve of stainless steel and will not rust. If it does, it may be a problem with the steel. This is a one-sided misconception about the lack of understanding of stainl...
Classification and working principle of valve limit switch
June 12th, 2023
TWS Valve from Tianjin, China
Key Words: Mechanical limit switch; Proximity limit switch
1. Mechanical limit switch
1. The stomata
This is a small cavity formed by the gas that the metal solidification process does not escape inside the metal. Its inner wall is smooth and contains gas, which has a high reflectiv...
Tips for turning the heating valve on and off
For many families in the north, heating is not a new word, but an indispensable necessity for winter life. At present, there are many different functio...