TWS Valve, a leading manufacturer in the valve industry, is pleased to announce its participation in the 18th edition of INDOWATER 2024 Expo, Indonesia’s premier water, wastewater and recycling tec...
WEFTEC, the Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, is the biggest meeting of its kind in North America and offers thousands of water quality professionals ...
Valve selection principle
The selected valve should meet the following basic principles.
(1) Safety and reliability of petrochemical, power station, metallurgy and other industries require continuo...
In valve engineering, the Cv value (Flow Coefficient) of the control valve refers to the volume flow rate or mass flow rate of the pipe medium through the valve per unit time and under the test con...
A.Gate valve installation
Gate valve, also known as gate valve, is a valve that uses a gate to control the opening and closing, and adjusts the pipeline flow and opens and closes the pipeline by ch...
Liquid hydrogen has certain advantages in storage and transportation. Compared to hydrogen, liquid hydrogen (LH2) has a higher density and requires lower pressure for storage. However, hydrogen has...