Butterfly valve manufacturer said daily installation and use of electric butterfly valves, must first look at the media efficiency and media quality, as a basis for the correction of the relevant i...
General Service Butterfly Valves
This type of butterfly valve is the all-around standard for general processing applications. You can use them for applications involving air, steam, water and other...
Due to the sealing element’s function of interrupting and connecting,regulating and distributing, separating and mixing media in the valvpassage, the sealing surface is often subject to corro...
1. Hydrstatic test at negative temperature during construction in winter.
Consequences: because the tube freezes quickly during the hydraulic test, the tube is frozen.
Measures: try to carry out hy...
Check valves, also known as check valves or check valves, are used to prevent the backflow of media in the pipeline. The foot valve of the suction off of the water pump also belongs to the category...
U-shaped butterfly valves are a popular choice in the industrial sector due to their unique design and functionality. TWS Valve is a leading manufacturer with over 20 years of experience, offering ...
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