Featured Products
DN40-DN1200 Ductile Iron Gate Valve with square operated flange gate valve with BS ANSI F4 F5
DN40-DN1200 Ductile Iron Gate Valve with square operated flange gate valve with BS ANSI F4 F5
Seawater Aluminum Bronze Polished Butterfly Valve
Seawater Aluminum Bronze Polished Butterfly Valve
Good Wholesale Vendors Handle Wheel Resilient Seat Soft Seal Brass Flange Gate Valve
Size:DN 40~DN 600
Pressure: PN10/PN16 -
300 Microns Epoxy Coated 250mm Tianjin Wafer Butterfly valve with Multi drillings
300 Microns Epoxy Coated 250mm Tianjin Wafer Butterfly valve with Multi drillings
Professional Design Factory Direct Supply Sale API ANSI Steel /Stainless Steel OS&Y Gate Valve Class150lb Industrial Valve Wedge Gate Valve Manufacturer
AZ series standard is AWWA C509;
Size:DN 50~DN 1000
Pressure:150 psi/200 psi -
Non-rising stem Resilient flanged gate valve
Non-rising stem Resilient flanged gate valve
Professional Factory for BS5163 DN100 Pn16 Di Rising Stem Resilient Soft Seated Gate Valve
AZ series standard is AWWA C509;
Size:DN 50~DN 1000
Pressure:150 psi/200 psi -
DN50 casting Wafer butterfly valve Multiple standard used for industry supplied by factory directly
DN50 casting Wafer butterfly valve Multiple standard used for industry supplied by factory directly
Quots for Soft Seat Pneumatic Actuated Ductile Cast Iron Air Control Valve/Gate Valve/Check Valve/Butterfly Valve
EZ series standard is DIN3352/BS5163;
Size:DN 50~DN 1000
Pressure: PN10/PN16 -
DN50 Ductile Iron wafer butterfly check valve dual plate wafer check valve with CF8M disc
DN50 Ductile Iron wafer butterfly check valve dual plate wafer check valve with CF8M disc
Hot sale Factory Awwa C509/C515 BS5163 DIN3202 3352 F4/F5 SABS663 Ks JIS5K 10K as GOST OS&Y Nrs Ductile Cast Iron Resilient Rubber Seat Flange Gate Valve Pn10 Pn16 Pn25 150lb
EZ series standard is DIN3352/BS5163;
Size:DN 50~DN 1000
Pressure: PN10/PN16