The lug butterfly valve is a quarter-turn valve used to control the flow of fluids. They are often used in industrial applications that require tight control of fluids. The valve consists of a meta...
Valve assembly is an important stage in the production process. Valve assembly is the process of combining the various parts and components of the valve according to the defined technical premise t...
The continuous development of the valve industry (1967-1978)
01 Industry development is affected
From 1967 to 1978, due to the great changes in the social environment, the development of the valve ...
In the daily use of butterfly valves, various failures are often encountered. The leakage of the valve body and bonnet of the butterfly valve is one of the many failures. What is the reason for thi...
When the valve is fully open, a sealing device that prevents the medium from leaking to the stuffing box is called the upper sealing device.
When the gate valve, globe valve and throttle valve are ...
The valve continuously maintains and completes the given functional requirements within a certain working time, and the performance of maintaining the given parameter value within the specified ran...
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