Butterfly valves are mainly used for the adjustment and switch control of various types of pipelines. They can cut off and throttle in pipelines. In addition, butterfly valves have the advantages o...
The advantages and uses of the electric butterfly valve have:
Electric butterfly valve is a very common pipeline flow regulation device, which is widely used and involves many fields, such as the ...
Ball valve is a common fluid control equipment, is widely used in petroleum, chemical, water treatment, food and other industries. This paper will introduce the structure, working principle, classi...
Gate valve and butterfly valve both play the role of switching and regulating flow in pipeline use. Of course, there is still a method in the selection process of butterfly valve and gate valve. In...
A butterfly valve is from a family of valves called quarter-turn valves. In operation, the valve is fully open or closed when the disc is rotated a quarter turn. The “butterfly...
In the daily use of butterfly valves, various failures are often encountered. The leakage of the valve body and bonnet of the butterfly valve is one of the many failures. What is the reason for thi...