A butterfly valve is from a family of valves called quarter-turn valves. In operation, the valve is fully open or closed when the disc is rotated a quarter turn. The “butterfly...
The flow characteristics of the regulating valve are mainly four kinds of flow characteristics such as linear percentage fast opening and parabola. When installed in the actual control process, the...
Let’s introduce what is the difference between a globe valve and a gate valve.
When the installation space is limited, pay attention to the selection:
The ga...
1. The stomata
This is a small cavity formed by the gas that the metal solidification process does not escape inside the metal. Its inner wall is smooth and contains gas, which has a high reflectiv...
The flow rate and velocity of the valve mainly depend on the diameter of the valve, and are also related to the resistance of the structure of the valve to the medium, and at the same time have a c...
A. Operating torque
The operating torque is the most important parameter for selecting the butterfly valve electric actuator. The output torque of the electric actuator should be 1.2~1.5 times the ...
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